Intelligent manufacturing equipment

Industrial machinery spans a diverse spectrum of equipment used in manufacturing and industrial processes. With many of these machines generating heat during operation, effective cooling becomes paramount for sustaining peak performance and averting overheating issues.The cooling fans are crucial in sustaining optimal working conditions.Reliable cooling solutions can assist in regulating temperatures and ensures that equipment functions efficiently and durably that keeping your industrial machinery running smoothly.

Application: CNC machines, Injection molding machines, Tabber & Stringer, Manufacturing Robots, etc.

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Contact Info

+86 183 1666 5997

+86 020-3667 8158

+86 020-8337 7440

Our Address

Building 4, No.7 Lanhua Street, Dagang Industrial Zone, Baiyunhu Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, China.

ACDCFAN is a professional manufacturer of high-quality AC axial fans, AC radial fans, DC axial fans, DC radial fans, and EC axial fans.

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